Cooling the Feline Fire: A Guide to Lowering Fever in Cats


Whether it’s you or your cat, having a fever isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s a normal immune response that helps the body recover from illness by killing heat-sensitive bacteria. The heat from a fever also increases blood flow to injured tissues to help repair them; however, there are instances in which fever is dangerous. If your cat is sick with a fever, you can help reduce it so they have a quicker recovery. There are also plenty of medications you can consider. Making your cat more comfortable will help them get over their fever and back to normal.

Reducing Fever at Home

The normal range of rectal temperature for cats is from 38.1 C to 39.1 C (100 to 102.5°F). If you can’t easily take your cat’s temperature, the following symptoms could indicate a fever:

  • Poor appetite
  • Lethargy
  • Inactivity
  • Weakness
  • Excessive shedding
  • Withdrawing away from other cats
  • Rapid or shallow breathing
  • Shivering
  • Decreased grooming activities
  • Because most fevers are caused by an underlying condition, be on the alert for other symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, coughing, sneezing or skin swellings. These could point to a reason for your cat’s illness.
  • Your cat may not have any signs of a fever, so take them to a vet if you suspect they have one.

 Symptoms are a good sign that your cat has a fever, but the only way to know for sure is to take their temperature with a thermometer. You can take your cat’s temperature rectally or in its ear.

  • Gather your supplies. You will need a thermometer, lubricant (e.g., petroleum jelly or K-Y), alcohol and paper towels, and a cat treat.
  • If using a glass thermometer, shake it until the mercury is below the 96F (35C) line. Simply switch on a digital thermometer. Use a special thermometer designed for pets to measure temperature in the ear.
  • If measuring your cat’s temperature rectally, lubricate the thermometer.
  • Cradle your cat under one arm, or ask someone else to hold them. Raise their tail.
  • Insert the thermometer into your cat’s anus about one inch. Hold a glass thermometer in place for 2 minutes. Remove a digital thermometer when it beeps.
  • Clean the thermometer with rubbing alcohol and paper towels.
  • Give your cat a treat to comfort them.
  • If your cat’s fever is over 102F (39C), take them to see a vet immediately. High fevers can cause organ damage.
  • Take your cat to the vet if you have trouble taking their temperature on your own.

Gently press your cat’s body with your fingers. Determine whether you can feel any injuries like bone fracture, swollen lymph nodes, abscess, wound infection or tumors. All of these instances can cause fever.

  • You may or may not be able to feel a bone fracture in your cat. Fractures or breaks in bones can cause swelling or bruising in the break area. If you apply pressure to the injured area your cat will respond with pain. Be gentle as you examine your cat.
  • You should be able to feel swollen lymph nodes under your cat’s jaw area and around their shoulders. Swelling at the back of the legs or near the groin is also possible.
  • Immediately take your cat to the vet if you notice any of these symptoms. These conditions require prompt medical attention.
  • If you do not notice any of these symptoms, the fever is likely a normal immune response. If possible get your cat examined by a vet who will try to identify the source of the infection. Follow the steps below as directed unless your cat’s fever has been present for over 24 hours.
  • If your cat has had a fever for more than 24 hours, seek veterinary advice and treatment as soon as possible.

 Cats lose heat through sweat glands in their paws and by panting. Help your feverish cat cool off so you can reduce their body temperature. Find a cool, dark, room, preferably with a slate or tile floor so that they can stretch out and transfer their body heat to the tiles. You can also try these ways to help your cat cool off:

  • Position a fan on the floor so that it blows cool air over their body.
  • If your cat will tolerate it, gently wet their coat with water. You can use a damp cloth or a spray bottle to dampen their coat. The evaporation will help to cool their body.

 Fever can be caused by dehydration, and can also cause dehydration. It is important that you provide fresh water at all times to your cat. If your cat is having trouble drinking, provide your cat with water via syringe (without a needle). Rehydrating your cat can reduce fever. This is the reason why cats are given IV fluids at the vet.

  • A feverish cat will not want to get up and walk around, so make sure they have drinking water within reach. You can sponge their gums with tepid water.
  • In addition to water, you can also give Gatorade or children’s electrolyte solutions to cats with fever. These may help restore your cat’s electrolyte balance, especially if they have been vomiting or had diarrhea. You can use a syringe to get your cat to drink Gatorade.
  • If your cat is resistant to syringe hydration, try freezing some water or Gatorade into cubes. Your cat may be more interested in licking an ice cube than drinking (and the cold will help them cool down).
  • Never give your cat milk! Cats are very sensitive to lactose. Milk can make your cat ill and cause nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.

Fever requires huge amounts of energy and can leave your cat very weak. Your cat may not feel up to eating solid food. You can supplement their diet by providing soft foods. Soft scrambled eggs or canned tuna run through a food processor can be good options.

  • If your cat refuses solid or soft food, try using a syringe to feed your cat milk replacer (sold at pet stores). This is a food designed for feeding sick cats or nursing orphaned kittens. Use a syringe (no needle) with 5cc to 10 cc capacity.
  • Insert the tip of the syringe on the insides of corners of the mouth, closest to the cheek. Cats and dogs will reflexively swallow anything that has passed in this area inside the mouth.
  • If your cat cannot eat, ask your vet about high-calorie liquid supplements. Your cat can consume these until they are well enough to eat solid food again.

 It’s a good idea to ensure your cat’s nutrition by boosting their appetite. Vitamin B-complex and energy supplements added to their diet can accomplish this.

  • A vitamin and energy supplement like Nutri-Plus Gel (at 5ml daily for 5 days) can be given to battle fatigue and a lack of nutrients.
  • An example of a very good B-complex vitamin is Coforta. It has a high concentration of cyanocoblamin (3), which is needed in energy metabolism. It is injected at 0.5ml to 2.5 ml per cat once a day for 5 days Subcutaneously (SQ) or Intramuscularly (IM):
    • For small cats less than or equal to 1 kg (2.2 lb), 0.5 ml
    • For cats 2 to 6 kg (4.4 to 13.2 lb), 1 ml
    • For large cats, 7 to 9 kg (15.4 to 19.8 lb), 2.5 ml
    • For cats between these weight ranges, estimate a dose between these or follow vet advice, erring toward a lower dose.
  • Never give your cat supplements with the following ingredients. They can be toxic to cats:
    • Garlic or onion
    • Calcium
    • Vitamin D
    • Vitamin C


  • Do not give aspirin to your cat unless your vet has given you an exact dosage. Cats are extremely sensitive to aspirin.
  • If you give your cat the wrong dose, you could make them sicker.If your cat refuses to eat or drink, take them to the vet. These are signs that your cat needs medical help.


  • Be careful not to do more harm than good. Use extreme caution when giving human medications to cats, since the majority are extremely toxic to felines. Follow the dosage instructions given by your vet.
  • If you are in any doubt about whether a medication is safe to give your cat, err on the side of caution! Consult with your vet about what medications to give your cat.
  • Seek veterinary advice if your cat runs a temperature above 39ºC (102ºF), or if they remain feverish for more than 24 hours.

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